

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

Poor infrastructure affected Veera Kannadiga.
It was a bad start for Puneet Rajkumar starring Kannada film
Veera Kannadiga at Narthaki Theater - one of the leading cinemas
in Bangalore. As usual first day was running houseful with
most of them being Puneet's hardcore fans. As Veera Kannadiga
has DTS, sound effect has major share. When the evening show
(4.30 p.m.) started, was pretty disappointing with very poor
sound quality, as DTS was not working. In less than 30 minutes
audience started screaming and screening was stopped to rectify
the problem. After a while it started again but no luck. Switching
on and off went on for some more time and finally the crowd
started shouting slogans against the theater owner and the
front row crowd created a havoc breaking a few seats and stage
area. Though the damages were minor, police had to interfere
to stop it.

Around 5.15 the theater management tried to fix the problem. Speakers behind the screen were only working and surround speakers were going off and on erratically. Screening was restored after 20 minutes with tolerable audio quality but could not satisfy the audience who bought tickets in black paying 150 rupees each. They rushed to the projection area and blocked it bring screening to halt. They even wanted the first song 'Naire Naire…' to be screened again, which was there right in the beginning of the film. But it was not feasible. Show was called off and irate crowd was issued with passes for evening show on Friday to compensate. Even media was invited for this show.

When viggy.com checked with people who were watching the film for the second time, we came to know that the problem started by end of noon show. It was fine till then. Theater management told us that the restoration will take at least hour and half and were planning to run the last show. The theater management is certainly at faulty end. They should not have started the show without restoring the sound system. Technical problems can arise at any point but the 'let it go' kind of mentality lead to such problem. When all are complaining about the poor quality of theater maintenance, such carelessness further boosts it.
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