

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

you know? |
A public toilet in Kolkata is been named as 'White House'! Sounds
funny? No its real... As a revenge against American President
George Bush naming his dog as 'India', Bengali's officially
named this toilet as 'White House'!!
A statistics of deaths in Kashmir from 1950:
General Public: 8,667
Military Soldiers: 2,431
Terrorists: 12,240
Total number of Bangladeshis who came to India (illegally):
To Mumbai: 50,000
To Rajastan: 50,000
To New Delhi: 3,00,000
Bihar: 5,00,000
Tripura: 8,00,000
Assam: 40,00,000
West Bengal: 50,00,000
Do you think all of them are in India by now? No. There
are still 7,00,00,000 people !!
Even men suffer from breast cancer!!. According to a report
from Kidwai Hospital recently, at an average, 12 to 15 people
are treated every year. So dont overlook !!
"Virii (or virusses) can be sent through email. But they
cannot be plain text. Here are known ways to send virii through
1. With an attached executable. This can only hurt you if you
if you execute it. Names will be disguised like Windows96up.exe
or Freestuff.exe.
2. As an HTML mail-message, linking to a gif/jpeg file, which
has a virus in it. Text-only mail-readers will not be hurt by
3. Mail with an attached Word/Excel file. This can only hurt
you, if you open it in the corresponding program. It will have
a macro in it, that actually has a virus. Protection against
this is common-sence." - Mercurio
