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March 13, 2011

Chappale audio release
  Chappale all set for relase

N.M. SureshIt was a remarkable achievement by producer N.M. Suresh whose debut production (Excuse Me) itself turned into super hit movie that ran for 250 days! Suresh who is basically a businessman ventured into film production without much help from Gandhinagar but surprised everyone! His next venture 'Chappale' is all set to release shortly. He is a person who looks at things differently and hence his film Chappale's audio release too was done is a very novel and praiseworthy manner. This program was organized at Ramanashree Blind School, J.P. Nagar.

Such 'never seen before' event attended by hundreds of blind students also witnessed Puneeth Rajkumar, R.P. Patnayak, N.M. Suresh, director Naganna and K. Manju. Based on a special request from a student, Chappale team called Gurukiran and this humble music director landed there to entertain them all! It was a real fun filled evening for those kids who can't see this world. However, it's a gift to them that they can hear better than a normal human beings! They were easily able to recognize Gurukiran and Puneeth whom they have never seen! The audio album was released amidst those students by Puneeth. N.M. Suresh created a festive environment for them with food and entertainment on this occasion apart from giving them all the opportunity to 'feel' their heroes! He himself along with Gurukiran and R.P. Patnayak served food to all. It was a real joyous moment for those kids and the fun continued… Gurukiran sung a few songs composed Sunil and Reecha Pallodby him to further boost the exuberance of these students. It was a meaningful evening for which producer N.M. Suresh deserves a round of applauds. Further, he is going to donate the first show collection of Chappale to this school. What a genuine concerns he has for the disabled!

According to director Naganna and producer N.M. Suresh, Chappale has come out very well. This film will be released in Kapali where his earlier venture Excuse Me completed 250 days. Sunil plays the lead role in Chappale and Richa Pahlod is his counterpart. Unlike in Excuse Me, Sunil is the only hero in the film he got all the opportunity to prove himself once again. He expressed special gratitude to stunt master Ravi Varma who composed some chilling stunt sequences in this movie. The whole team is confident about the success of Chappale. Lets hope so too…

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