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March 13, 2011

Diganth, Sundeep Malani and Janu Arasu
  'SMS' for fun and frolic...

Talented newcomers and established stars trying their hands in film direction with tremendous success rate, more and more people with new ideas are venturing into Kannada film direction. It's indeed a welcome move! And so is SMS 6260 by Sundeep Malani. Though he comes from a different background, acting and film industry is not new to him. "While in Mangalore, I used to act and perform in stage shows and also organize events" says Sundeep. While acting was his passion, writing was his profession. He started writing for leading English daily. He worked with several directors as an associate and his recent project was Miss California that is due for release.

Sundeep MalaniSundeep's directorial debut SMS 6260 is for an NRI production banner. Impressed with his work, Arasu family from the United States of America came forward to produce this film. Prahalad Arasu and Janu Arasu are venturing into film production under the banner Shirdi Enterprises Inc. (California, USA). Apparently, Janu Arasu has played the female lead role in Miss California. Michael Dayao, a Hawaiian has composed three English number and new comers Lokesh and Prakash will score for Kannada songs.

SMS 6260 is a fun story, where the main characters interact over SMS messages. It's a story of 6 good friends who gets into their two ways of life. While it focuses on their campus life with fun and frolic, it moves on to their professional life taking serious turns. It's going to be all about the new age craze leading to tones of fun.

"Today, the SMS is one of the fastest, most convenient and feasible means of communication. Looking at the popularity of mobile phones among youngsters, I strongly feel that most of them would identify with the characters and occurrences in my film," says the enthusiastic director.

In a way, SMS 6260 is a crossover movie. Both Kannada and English will be blended as needed and is an ideal example for a 'Kanglish' movie! His idea is basically to capture the scenarios and the situations realistically, where youngsters feel free to mix Kannada words while speaking in English and the other way. Hyderabad Blues, Mr & Mrs Iyer, Raincoat, Bend It Like Beckham, Jhankar Beats etc are a few example of such crossover films. SMS 6260 will be launched on April 13th. "This film will be made for an International platform. And what a better way and time to get it done, than in the same year - wherein our state goes 50 - Suvarna Karnataka. On the occasion of this event, and highlighting the fact of the celebration - I would be dedicating this film to our State and would plan to release it during the Karnataka Rajyotsava Day" added Sundeep.

Janu ArasuSundeep Malani thanked Ashwini Ramprasad and others who made his dream come true. "My sincere thanks to Ashwini Ram Prasad, who voluntarily gave me the title. It so happened that, the title SMS was registered under Ashwini Productions. And, when I could not go without this title, PRO Nagendra came forward to help me. He approached Ram Prasad and got me the title. I am greatful to the Arasu family (Jumnah, Arasu, Prahalad and Janu) for having faith in me and venturing into Film Production and giving me a chance to direct a film for them. And I also want to thank Dr. Ravi Dattatreya, Ram Prasad and Director Kudlu Ramakrishna because of whom, today I am in this project", said Sundeep.

It's film of newcomers - from artists to technicians. Besides Diganth and Janu who have been paired in Ms. California, rest are all new faces. Smrti, a young girl from San Francisco plays the other leading role and Karan Gowda, Loy Patrao, Ganesa Murthy, Ashav, Nihar, Badri etc are among the cast. Danny (known for the famous song Oh Maria) and Shyam (the host of SS Music) would also play important roles in the film. Veteran actors Dattanna and Jayalakshmi bring in their expertise. Topping on the list of all actors, mobile phones and SMS Messages play crucial role!

Here wishing the entire team a good luck. And special wishes to Sundeep Malani who is better known as 'Film Critic' on viggy.com discussion forum!

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