

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

Poorvapara film review
dream and glitz of promising lifestyle is the ultimate aim
of today's generation. But its difficult truth to digest for
people who stick to their ethics, culture, sentiment and love
for their homeland. Poorvapara is one such film that deals
with the emotions of parents staying in India and son staying
several thousand miles away from homeland! It comes as a fresh
breeze on big screen - at least for Kannada filmgoers. Poorvapara
based on the novel of eminent writer M.K. Indira written during
sixties shows her vision, which looks like a real story today!
Poorvapara literally means 'antecedent and subsequent'.
It also means Eastern and Western. There is a strong justification
for both the meanings in this film. Film deals with parents
staying in Shrigeri - a town amidst of untamed beauty of Malnad
and son who sells himself to the enticement and gelt of Dollar
dreams. The effort and emotional feelings of a helpless mother
who wants to win her son back lost in the whirlpool of exciting
American lifestyle is beautifully captured in Poorvapara.
Its not just the mother, but even the son in dilemma who struggle
to balance it. This makes the film look so realistic and sensational
- full marks to director Kudavalli Chandrashekhar (of Edakallu
Guddadamele fame).
in the abode of legendary Puttanna Kanagal, the producer,
director and actor Chandrashekhar has done a marvelous job
in selecting the subject and leading each character. Having
firsthand experience of American lifestyle helped him making
every frame look realistic. Unlike America America or Nanna
Preethiya Hudugi,
intention of this film was not to highlight USA's landmarks
as a tourist guide but deals with Americas' social life and
their busy lifestyle. Comeback of actress Geetha on big screen
is a feast to watch - excellent performance by her. So is
Naveen Mayur, a perfect fit for that role. Is debut for Lakshmi
Gopalswamy - the heroine of the film. Srinath has small but
very effective role. Cinematographer Bhaskar has done a good
job on capturing the splendid beauty of Shringeri and amazing
views of the US and Canada. Poorvapara is a must see film
for A.B.C.D.s and people who have Dollar dreams!
Direction: Kudavalli Chandrashekhar
Producer: Kudavalli Chandrashekhar
Music: Prayog
Cinematography: Bhaskar
Cast: Geetha, Navin Mayur, Lakshmi Gopalswamy, Shrinath, Kudavalli Chandrashekhar, Kitta etc
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