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March 13, 2011


  Swathi Mutthu getting ready for release

Sudeep Kamal Hasan staring Swathi Mutthyam - eighteen years old film is an alltime hit film. But there are many haven't got an opportunity to watch such movie, which portrayed the importance of human relationship and values. Now Sudeep is presenting such a wonderful film to Kannada viewers. Swathi Mutthu has completed its shooting including talky portion and 6 songs in 22 days. When the film was launched during last week of October, Sudeep had announced the release date as December 19th. But looking at the outcome, he felt the film should have DTS to make justice to the product. And the release date is postponed by a week to hit the screen on December 26th. Moreover, Dec. 24th is his mother's birthday and Swathi Mutthu will be a gift to her says Sudeep. His film Nandi was released on 27th Dec. last year and Sudeep has won the Best Actor award for this film!

During an exclusive show arranged for media to screen two songs from Swathi Mutthu, Sudeep, Sarovar Sanjeev, Meena, and director D. Rajendra Babu shared their experiences during the shoot. As the film is being shot in village environment and temples, Sudeep says he got to see many temples
Meenathat he never visited so far. Meena too is happy for getting an opportunity to visit a Church during the shooting! Climax of the film was shot last week at Abhiman studio of Balanna. Sudeep was looking unbelievably different in his makeup. There is a huge surprise for all viewers on the screen! You have to see it to believe it.

Film has total of eight songs (Ashwini Audios) scored by Rajesh Ramnath sung by Rajesh, Chitra, Nanditha, Jesudas, Manjula Gururaj and SPB. Music director has used the tunes from its original, which are evergreen. Audiocassettes were released to market last week. Apart from a genuine effort to give a good film to Kannada, Sarovar Production has spent big bucks on renovating Abhiman Studio, which was ruined due to poor maintenance. Monument they are building in memories of Balanna is almost ready.

Audio release of Swathi MutthuThere will be a tough competition between Swathi Mutthu and other films scheduled to release on the same day - Bisi Bisi of Ramesh Aravind, Gokarna of Upendra and Annavru of Ambarish. Since there is a Government holiday during the week, three films can hit the screen. But four of them in the pipeline! There will be a competition to reserve the theaters as well. Sudeep was pretty upset by the decision taken by other producers to have their films on this date. "Despite of announcing the release date of my film, some producers are troubling us by scheduling their film too on the same day. But I will not withdraw my film." says Sudeep without pointing at anyone in specific. As Sudeep and Meena said Swathi Mutthu is the result of hard work done by the film troupe. All are confident that this hard work will bring success to Sarovar Productions and the film troupe.

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