

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

Patil + Patil =?
Its been reported by a local news paper that B. C. Patil's brother
Ashok Patil is once again coming back to Sandalwood from Hollywood.
Ashok's first Kannada film direction 'Shapa' was a complete flop.
B.C. Patil himself was the producer. Money borrowed for this film
is still pending as loan. Film 'Shapa' turned out to be a real 'Shapa'
for B. C. Patil. After that, many other films by him were again
failed in the box office. Now while B. C. Patil is hoping to gain
his lost money through his new film 'Hattooru Odeya'. Any way this
time Ashok Patil will not direct his brother's film (Thank God).
Instead, will be acting as a hero (Oh no).
