

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

A chat with director Aarahti
Will she succeed?
This was the question that came to everybody's mind when Aarthi
the star actress of the yesteryears became a director with
'Mitayimane'. One year down the lane, everybody is of the
opinion that Aarthi has succeeded in her directorial debut.
Recently Aarthi had held a preview of 'Mitayimane' for the
press and well-wishers. Viggy.com chats with Aarthi about
her directorial debut.
Q. Everyone who has seen this movie has liked it. How
do you feel now?
A. Well, all the credit must go to my daughter Yashaswini.
Actually, it was she who got the idea of making this film.
After coming back from America, we visited many relatives
and friends of ours. There we saw many small children working
for them. When asked what are they doing instead of going
to school, our friends used to say that the children are from
villages and since there is drought, they have taken the responsibility
of looking after them. They also said that they are doing
a favour to the country by helping such poor children.
felt very bad about this. She used to ask me how can anybody
make a favour to the country by making children work at a
very small age. She made an extensive research about the child
labour in India. We were shocked to know that presently 62
million children are working in India and the number is increasing
every year. We wanted to create an awareness among our people
to stop child labour. So, we took up this film. I am happy
that everyone has liked the film. I feel satisfied if atleast
four people stop child labour and give education to child
Q. What is the significance of using German folklore
'Hansel and Gretel' in your film?
A. Whichever may be the country, but people think alike.
Their behaviour is same. Maybe, the film is based on a German
folklore, but the situations are very apt for India. In the
folktale the children go to forest, in the film they come
to the city. Both the protogaonists mistake the Candy House
of being sweet. But they have bitter experience when they
enter the house. So, we wrote this story based on 'Hansel
and Gretel'.
Q. Don't you think the ending of the film is abrupt?
A. Well, I really didn't know what conclusion I had
to give because I myself didn't know what the ending would
be. Moreover, I didn't want the film to be sloganish. I just
tried to explain that ultimately tears is an end to all this.
So, I have ended this film in tears. That's all.
Q. Of late you have bid adieu to acting. Why is it
A. No, no. I haven't said goodbye to acting. The problem
is I haven't got a good role. I have got many offers. But
not a single one which has scope for acting. Moreover, my
second daughter is studying S.S.L.C. I don't want her education
to go haywire because of my acting. That's why I remained
out of acting. If I get good offers I will definitely continue
Q. Any plans of directing another movie?
A. Not at the moment. I don't have any plans of directing
another movie with my money. If somone comes forward for producing
a movie, then I don't have any problems of directing it.
Q. What's your opinion about the current crop of movies?
A. Frankly speaking, nothing much has changed. In those
times we used to dance in Kemmanagundi. These days, it is
Bangkok or Singapore. Only the artistes and the locations
have changed. That's all. The rest are the same. That too
the basic plot of film making is still the same.
