

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

"Why are we not rewarded?"
His debut directorial Deadly Soma has hit the bull's eye and
naturally director Ravi Srivatsa is happy with the success.
His debut film itself has completed 50 plus days. Admitted,
the prerelease period and the initial weeks of post-release
had been traumatic. "The theater crunch has made the serious
impact on the film. Like me, this was the first experience
even for the producers. I was nervous when we came to know
that we have to vacate Santhosh Theater but at the same time,
I was confident about the success. Even after the shift from
Santhosh to Aparna, this film did well. But it would have
earned more if it continued at Santhosh" says Ravi Srivathsa
while talking to viggy.com exclusively.
the outset, I knew no one would risk their money on a new
comer like me. I started my film career as a writer. I wrote
scripts and dialogs for many films. I strongly believe that
a good writer could be a good director too. Writer pens his
thoughts on paper while a director brings it on celluloid.
The later requires the orchestration ability plus the technical
aspects but creativity is the base for both. It becomes much
easier if you direct your own story. Deadly Soma was not my
story however" Srivatsa admitted.
"When I got Deadly Soma offer, I was under a great obligation.
They have invested so much trusting my abilities and was a
huge responsibility. I was not ready to compromise on anything,
which would affect the end result. And also directing a subject
like Deadly Soma was not an easy task. Even a slightest mistake
can make sever adverse impact on general public. None of my
team members were happy with the climax including my producers
who wanted a happy ending. But I was firm on not to glorify
Soma who was a criminal. I wanted to show that the law and
order is still working and there are a few efficient police
officers around. And it is great that people liked the climax!"
he says.
Our conversation panned from director's chair to a writer's
desk. "Being a story writer, I can say, director's position
is much better. There is no value for writers here. After
Deadly Soma many producers approached me. But nothing is concrete
yet except a project for Shailendra Babu. I don't know whether
they (other producers) are not happy with my story or not
confident about my capabilities as a director" blinks Srivatsa.
His genuine concern is about not utilizing original stories
and local resources. "Producers are ready to spend lakhs of
rupees to get remake rights from Tamil and Telugu but are
not willing to pay a few thousands to writers here. A producer
recently hired a writer from neighboring state and paid him
8 lakhs! What the heck? Why are we not paid for a much better
work that we do! There are very good writers in Kannada but
nobody is utilizing them. It's high time. Newcomers like me
and Rathnaja (Nenapirali director) should do something and
make some good original films." he says confidently. His fury
was about people who think grass is always greener on the
other side of the fence!
"Shialendra Babu will produce my next film. No blood shedding
this time. I am looking for apt casts. This project is expected
to kick start by mid of January next year. Soon I will be
starting a production house of my own in association with
Rajanna, one of the producers of Deadly Soma. Under this production
house, we aim to produce some good movies. Everything was
good so far in my life. I hope the future is going to be better…"
Our conversation ended here and a new life begins for Ravi
