

This page was updated on:
March 13, 2011

Rangapravesham by Parimala Ravindra
In general, it is a perception that people staying abroad
have adapted the foreign culture and lifestyle in their day-to-day
activities leaving behind the glorious tradition and culture
of our motherland. That is because most of time, people don't
find time for anything else due to their hectic work schedules,
lack of adequate resources, encouraging atmosphere to pursue
beyond their routine and so on. But here is an exception in
the form of Parimala who hails from Bangalore but now settled
in USA We happened to witness her astonishing 'rangapravesham'
performance last Friday at ADA Rangamandhira, Bangalore. One
could see the bright stars glittering her way moving forward.
Here is a brief info about Parimala -
Parimala was initiated into the ancient art form of "Bharathanatyam"
dance at the tender age of six years, under the tutelage of
Guru Smt. Sunanda Devi. Parimala hails from family having
arctic background. Parimala is rigorously practicing this
ancient art from past ten years under the able guidance of
her guru and constant encouragement from her parents. She
began to blossom into a promising dancer. Parimala's penchant
and passion towards Bharathanatyam and Kuchipudi dance forms
was very intense. She relentlessly practiced this dance form
in USA from past two years and her husband Sri Ravindra's
constant support made her to come back to her motherland India
for the purpose of performing "Rangapravesham" in front of
all art lovers.
Parimala has taken part in several dance ballets conducted
by her guru and also has given solo performances in many cities
of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Texas,
Georgia USA. Her excellent grasping over Nrutya and her defined
Abhinaya has been well appreciated by dance critics and art
connoisseurs. She has won several laurels both in India and
abroad. Also she has successfully completed Seniour examination
in Bharathanatyam and junior examination in Kuchipudi conducted
by Government of Karnataka. This is one more feather into
her cap. The above mentioned facts proves beyond doubt that
she is talented and gifted artiste. She feels very much proud
to be a student and relative of Karnataka Kalasree Guru Smt.
Sunanda Devi.
Parimala had her primary, secondary and higher education at
Bangalore. She has completed her diploma in electronics and
communication also recently. She has appeared for entrance
examination to join Dental Hygienist School in University
of Houston, Texas. Presently she is working in a reputed bank
there. It is very much clear that her Academic pursuits have
not been hampered or wavered one bit either way. With the
encouragement of her husband Ravindra, blessings of her parents,
in-laws, relatives and more in particular her beloved guru
Smt Sunanda, Parimala is looking forward to a successful and
fruitful career.
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